05 Sep K&C Presenting at Global Security Exchange
K&C will present with Paratus Consultants Group on “A Novel Approach to Conduct Vehicle Ramming Assessment and Perimeter Protection Design to Reduce Impact and Blast Threats” at the Global Security Exchange 2023 Conference in Dallas, Texas. The conference is set to run from September 11th to 13th, with the presentation being held at 10:30 AM on September 12th. The presenters have many years of engineering and consulting experience in the field of protective design.
Pedram Hesam (K&C), PhD, PSP, CSM, will present alongside Herb Ubbens (Paratus), CPP, PSP, and Chris Monger (K&C). The presentation seeks to provide insight into the significance of conducting proper Vehicle Ramming Assessment, utilizing Analytical and Visual Tools for Vehicle Vector Analysis, choosing proper Rated Perimeter Protection Devices, and relevant subjects. Vehicle ramming, and vehicle borne improvised explosive devices have been primary manner of attack on civilians, buildings, and infrastructure. Preventing unauthorized vehicles from breaching into a protected area using appropriately rated anti-ram systems maintains an established standoff distance, eliminates the risk from impact (i.e., vehicle ramming), and controls blast and debris threats (by maintaining a desirable standoff distance). This strategy is the first line of defense against malicious activities and accidental incidents. Sports venues, shopping malls, transportation hubs, street fairs, concerts, movie theaters, schools, businesses, and many other locations are easily accessible to large number of people and typically have limited protective measures or security in place. These locations and facilities are defined as the “Soft Targets and Crowded Places” by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which can be attractive targets for the terrorist attacks.”
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