28 Jul K&C Presents at SMIRT 26
Karagozian & Case, Inc. presented at the 2022 International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology in Berlin/Potsdam, Germany (SMIRT 26). Eric Kjolsing, Senior Engineer at K&C presented the paper entitled “Parametric Study of Contact Conditions for SC Walls Subject to Out-of-Plane Dynamic Loading”. Utilizing LS-DYNA and K&Cs concrete constitutive model, a parametric study was performed for steel plate composite (SC) walls subjected to out-of-plane loading. The study sought to better understand how finite element modeling assumptions might affect the perceived load carrying capacity and failure mechanisms of such walls. The topic was particularly relevant as SC walls are seeing increased consideration in the design of new small modular reactor (SMR) facilities. The full paper can be found here