
Asher Gehl, Managing Director of Karagozian & Case Australia is presenting on August 17th, 2022 at the Gunnebo Security Symposium on Situational Security. Gehl has eighteen years of experience in protective design and structural vulnerability assessments from blast and impact. He has a long history of...

Karagozian & Case, Inc. presented at the 2022 International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology in Berlin/Potsdam, Germany (SMIRT 26).  Eric Kjolsing, Senior Engineer at K&C presented the paper entitled "Parametric Study of Contact Conditions for SC Walls Subject to Out-of-Plane Dynamic Loading". Utilizing...

  K&C's Tomas Diaz will be presenting Crowd Dynamics, RL and Unity: A Journey, about one of K&C's R&D projects at Strange Loops. The talk will be taking place at the Conference on Friday, October 1, 2021 at Union Station in St. Louis, MO. Diaz will present the...

K&C was recently awarded a research grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Wood Innovations Grants Program of 2021.  In conjunction with the U.S. Forest Service and SmartLam, K&C will seek to develop and demonstrate a cost-effective cross-laminated timber (CLT) panel design that is...

  K&C is pleased to now offer our Dynamic Material Characterization DMC services commercially. Founded to support our own development and validation needs for modeling and simulating materials in extreme environments, K&C is now characterizing different materials across a broad range of high strain-rates and temperatures for...