Advanced Analytic Modeling of Container Inspection Facility

Advanced Analytic Modeling of Container Inspection Facility

K&C conducted advance analytic modeling and provided innovative design concepts for a hardened container at an inspection facility for a port authority.

Analytic Modeling Hardened Container

Rendering of Facility with a Cutaway Revealing Interior and Thickness of Shell

Technical Services provided:
Advanced Analytic Modeling
Innovative Design

Design Concepts
Analytic Design Studies

Project Description:
This project involved developing as hardened facility for the inspection of suspicious containers detected at a port of entry. This facility would allow for full containment of very large detonations (e.g., 20 to 60 Klb of TNT) and the detonation products of such an explosion, especially important were it a dirty bomb (e.g., related to radiation contamination). This containment facility provides a safe place to examine a suspicious container, especially one thought to contain a bomb or hazardous material, without the need of exposing the rest of the port facility to risk. In addition, the examination may be done remotely, and thus not place any personnel at risk.
The study phase included a comprehensive threat/vulnerability assessment of various designs for the containment system, which allowed the port authority to evaluate and understand the performance of such a system across a range of charge weights and design parameters. ROM level cost estimates were also developed.
The analyses conducted to design the facility used high-fidelity physics-based finite element models so that the dynamic response generated by the design basis blast load could be simulated and specific design parameter selected for the containment shell and closures design.

K&C creates custom engineered solutions that can meet your unique needs, requirements, schedule, or budget. Our licensed Structural, Mechanical, and Civil Engineers have experience developing concepts, designs, and generating construction packages for delegated or performance-based requirements. K&C is unique in that our designs can be modeled, using our high-fidelity analysis capabilities, or validated with field or laboratory testing. For more information on K&C protective design services, click here